Durham Neighborhood CompassDurham Neighborhood Compass

Why This is Important

Sidewalk coverage measurements show how well-served an area is by having walkable spaces. Investment in improving pedestrian infrastructure, which includes sidewalk installation, creates safer neighborhoods by reducing pedestrian fatalities, and providing a safer route for students who walk to nearby schools.

Also see NHTSA 2017 report, “Traffic Safety Facts” here: https://crashstats.nhtsa.dot.gov/Api/Public/ViewPublication/812375

About the Data

This measurement indicates how much length of sidewalk exists along roadways in a given neighborhood. Pedestrian or bike paths not adjacent to roadways are not among the sidewalks counted here. Areas reporting no data are outside City limits and do not contain annexed communities. Neither the City nor County maintain or build sidewalks in those areas.

Source: City of Durham Public Works and Transportation

Additional Resources

ResourceLearn More and Take Action
New Sidewalk and Trail ConstructionThe City of Durham Public Works Department's planned and recent sidewalk projects.
Census TractsCensus Blockgroups

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Data Distribution, 2016

Sidewalk Coverage

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