Why This is Important
Roughly 30 million American adults have chronic kidney disease, or CKD. And according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 48% of people not already treating their advanced chronic kidney disease don't even know they have it.
In 2017, 3.11% of Durham County's adult Hispanic or Latina/o patients had chronic kidney disease at Stage 3 or higher (with 60% or less of kidney function). It is not until stage 4, the last stage before kidney failure, that severe outward symptoms present themselves. People with diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, or obesity are at greater risk of developing CKD.
To learn more about community-level influences on health visit Durham's Health Indicators site.
About the Data
This information is from Duke Health and Lincoln Community Health Center, provided by Duke's Center for Community and Population Health Improvement. These chronic kidney disease rates are based on health care visits documented in this combined dataset, including a total of 169,115 adults of a countywide total of 245,572 (2017). Rates selected for inclusion in this site are those matching CDC guidelines as reported by Duke Health.
In order to preserve privacy, the data reported in the compass for this metric excludes census areas with either case counts (numerator) or total patient counts (denominator) less than 10.
When a patient has an interaction with a healthcare provider, this is called an encounter. An encounter can be a single, brief event (such as a regular primary care appointment) or it can be across multiple days (such as a hospital stay). To determine metrics for a particular year, Duke Health Technology only includes adult patients who had an encounter in that same calendar year. If a patient had a hospitalization that lasted multiple days across two calendar years (e.g. 12/15/15 – 1/15/16), DHT used the discharge date to determine their inclusion.
Source: Duke Health and Lincoln Community Health Center
Additional Resources
Resource | Learn More and Take Action |
Chronic Kidney Disease Basics | The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention site for learning more about risks, symptoms, management tips and more. |
Video: Stages of Kidney Disease | Learn more about how the kidneys function at the different stages of CKD in this personable presentation from UC San Diego's Danuta Trzebinska, MD. |
Duke Center for Community and Population Health Improvement | The Duke Center for Community and Population Health Improvement is a multi-disciplinary center that leverages academic, health system, and community partnerships to improve community and population health. |
Durham County Network of Care | The Durham Network of Care provides comprehensive information on local services and organizations and a Learning Center dedicated to topics related to health and well-being, as well as the ability to create a confidential and secure Personal Health Record to keep information on helpful services, contacts and your medical history. |
Partnership for a Healthy Durham | Get involved by participating in monthly work group meetings focusing on increasing access to healthy foods; increasing physical activity opportunities including Healthy Mile Trails; and coordinating chronic disease education resources in Durham County. |
Health Indicators | The Health Indicators Project site for chronic conditions data, neighborhood influences on health and resources for learning more and taking action. |
Select a base geography (depending on the dataset, different geographies may be available).
Data Distribution, 2019